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Machbarkeitsstudie, Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (UVP) sowie Vor- und Ausführungsplanung für eine Straße in Syrien (EIB)




European Investment Bank
boulevard Konrad Adenauer 98-100
2950 Luxembourg


L-2950 Luxembourg




Original Dokumentennummer: 37707-2011

Location: Syrian Arab Republic

Feasibility Study, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Preliminary and Final Design for the road from Al Dmer to the border with Iraq

1. Reference code:

TA2010052 SY F10

2. Procedure:

Restricted international tender

3. Programme:

Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP)

4. Financing:

European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument

5. Contracting Authority:

European Investment Bank, 98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-2950, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

6. Nature of contract:

Global price

7. Contract description:

This technical assistance operation is aimed at assessing the technical and institutional feasibility, financial viability, economic rationale and justification, and environmental sustainability of a proposed road upgrading project. This investment concerns the widening of the Al Dmeir - Palmyra crossroads section (length of 61 km), and the pavement strengthening and rehabilitation for the Palmyra crossroads - Al Sabea Byar - Iraq Border section (length of about 177 km).

In this sense, the selected consultant is expected to elaborate a comprehensive set of technical documentation for the proposed road rehabilitation and modernisation investment project; including:

— a comprehensive Feasibility Study which will examine the feasibility of widening the first 61 km of the route (from Al Dmer to Palmyra crossroads) to a four-lane divided highway along the existing alignment and of rehabilitating the remaining 177 km of the two lane road from the Palmyra crossroads up to the Iraq Border,

— the environmental impact assessment,

— the detailed designs and tender documents.

8. Indicative budget:

EUR 1 375 000

9. Intended timing of publication of the procurement notice:

March 2011

10. Additional information:


11. Legal basis:

Regulation (EC) no.1638/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 2006 laying down general provisions establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument.


There must be a minimum period of 30 calendar days between the publication of this contract forecast and the publication of the corresponding procurement notice.

No applications or requests for information should be sent at this stage.


Geonet Ausschreibung 4364 vom 05.02.2011